Monday, September 22, 2008


Boney M - Daddy Cool.

Man, I can't decide where to start with this one. Boney M are a German disco group that became pretty popular in the early 70s. I'm going to guess it had something to do with their album art.
The dancing in this video is absolutely manic. I've never seen anything like it. Also, I've heard women fake orgasms in songs before but I've never seen it done live. The effect is quite... unsettling. The song is quite catchy. The lyrics are simple weird, but definitely infectious as far as E.S.L. lyrics go. Its a fun song. I wish more musicians made music like this today. Not necessarily disco pop songs, but songs that are meant to be fun. GOOD songs that, although vapid, are a little weird, well written, fun and make you wanna shake your culo.

Uh, they have a myspace, too?

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