Monday, January 19, 2009


Tego Calderon - Ni Fu Ni Fa

I've gotten really into Reggaeton and Latin American electronic dance music, recently. I guess the Anthropologist in my loves looking at all of the different music influences from completely different cultures in the genre and breaking down the songs. The fact that the music is almost entirely in Spanish, is another reason I'm hooked. My Spanish has improved exponentially since I started spending more time listening to Reggaeton than doing my Spanish homework.

This track may be the most interesting reggaeton song I've ever encountered. I've never heard a track that uses so many elements of Afro-Cuban music so perfectly, and combines the traditional with the modern in such an appealing way. The beat being completely composed from bata drums, and the sampled lucumi vocals allude to afro-cuban orisha worship, which is another aspect of the Spanish Caribbean that I find to be endlessly fascinating.

ANYWAY, I don't really expect anyone to enjoy this shit nearly as much as I do, simply because I'm a massive nerd for stuff like this, but I think there is enough appeal to this song that people who aren't total geeks when it comes to this kind of music will find something to enjoy.

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